Fire Safe ... Fire Smart

Fire Safety & Preparedness


Child Care, Preschool, & School-Age Child Care Programs

(Version 4)

Great Value ... Get Started Now!

Fire Safe ... Fire Smart

This completely updated and revised version of the popular Fire Safe ... Fire Smart online workshop has been specifically designed to provide professionals working in child care, early childhood education, or school-age child care programs with a convenient, easy to access, high interest workshop focusing solely on fire safety and education. A workshop that preschool educators and child care professionals will find extremely informative and helpful, with the common goal of helping children and program staff, become Fire Safe ... Fire Smart, as well as ensuring that their child care, preschool, and school-age child care program is fire safe, hazard-free, and fully prepared for emergencies.

The workshop is user friendly allowing the participant to complete the workshop at their own pace and based on their own time schedule. There is no time limit for completing the workshop and a participant can take as many online work sessions as needed to finish the course.

The Fire Safe ... Fire Smart workshop includes five (5) lesson components and focuses on the following topics:

-- Maintaining A Fire Safe Program Environment

-- Developing A Program Emergency Evacuation Plan

-- Guidelines for Effective Monthly Evacuation Drills

-- Staff Roles & Responsibilities in an Emergency

-- Smoke Alarms/Detectors & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

-- Fire Extinguishers & Fire Extinguisher Training

-- Fire Safety & Prevention Teacher Resources

Lessons are comprised of lesson presentations and videos, and provide access to extensive educational resources that participants can print out for use in preparing lessons, activity centers, and bulletin boards.

Participants taking the Fire Safe … Fire Smart online workshop receive a Certificate of Attendance and one and one-half (1 1/2) clock hours of in-service training. The "Certificate of Completion" automatically becomes available for downloading upon a participant's successful completion of the workshop, and is also emailed to the participant by The Learningtree Network's learning platform.

Workshop Participant Testimonials ...

"I learned more from this workshop than I ever knew. So much useful information. It is well presented and easy to understand. I think every daycare provider should take this course. Thank you."

"This workshop brought up many things that I had not considered! It was very clear and easy to understand. I have work to do to make my day care more safe!"

"Great job, great class! Everything was easy to understand. Thank You!"

"The workshop is well done. I particularly appreciated the combination of the audio and visual component which made the material easier to grasp."

"This course was very informative, especially about planning for an evacuation. It was much more thorough than the workshop given by our local fire department. Thank you."

"This workshop is so good it provides you with everything you need and shows you how to make informative evacuation plans for your centers."

Course Curriculum/Table of Contents

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Richard G. Jadico
Richard G. Jadico

Mr. Jadico, the founder and CEO of The Learningtree Network, Inc., and lead developer and instructor of the Fire Safe … Fire Smart Fire Safety & Preparedness workshops, as well as other Learningtree Network online workshops, is a life-long educator and child care professional with over 40 years of teaching and administrative experience in early childhood, elementary, and adult education, as well as school-age child care.

With over thirty years teaching and administrative experience, in 1991, Mr. Jadico and his wife, Gail, founded DVCCA, Inc. and its family of KidsCare, KindergartenPlus, and KidsCamp school-age child care programs which provided after-school, before-school, school holiday, kindergarten, and summer school-age child care services to thousands of elementary-aged children in school districts throughout Bucks County, Pennsylvania for over 22 years.

Mr. Jadico has designed and provided staff development and teacher training workshops to hundreds of child care professionals in Pennsylvania and throughout northeastern United States. He is also a member of numerous professional organizations including the National Association for the Education of Young Children and its local state affiliates, the Association for Early Learning, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the National After-School Association.

Additionally, Mr. Jadico has been and continues to be a member of the Chalfont Chemical Fire Engine Company No. 1, Chalfont, Pennsylvania, where he has volunteered thousands of hours as an active firefighter, officer, and emergency medical technician. He also coordinated the fire company’s fire prevention and education program, and organized and presented numerous fire prevention programs to hundreds of children in schools and child care centers throughout the community.

Mr. Jadico is a certified “Community Safety Educator” having completed course work at the National Fire Academy, and is an active member of the National Fire Prevention Association, The International Association for Fire Safety Science, and International Fire Service Training Association.

He is a Standardized Professional Development Instructor for the Pennsylvania "Keys to Quality" Registry (Pennsylvania’s early childhood source for professional development), a Master Instructor for the New Jersey Workforce Registry (New Jersey's source for early child care and education professional development), a registered Trainer in the New York Aspire Registry for child care professional development, a Massachusetts Early Education and Care approved Trainer, and an approved Instructor for the Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA).

Great Value ... Get Started Now!